For orders between the value of £25 - £49, our premium tracked delivery is £6.50.
Delivery is free for all orders over £50.
£25 minimum spend.
We are so excited to share out brand new website with you all. A lot of planning and designing has been happening behind the scenes and we couldn't be happier. We wanted to make the site more user friendly, and have included all of the products we sell, ingredients, where to find what products as well as a food services section for restaurants and most importantly our very own shop page!
With just a click of a button, you can now add all of your favourite Wholecreations products in your basket and just sit back, relax and wait for it to arrive. Most of our products will now be available to you directly, including our new Posh Puds! Go have a look and let us know what you think!
We are so excited to launch our new Dairy and Gluten Free (vegan) bites. These bites have become one of our firm favourites and can be enjoyed as a main meal or side dish or snack!
We had the pleasure of meeting many of our loyal fans and hearing so much positive motivating feedback at the allergy and free from show at Olympia over the weekend. It’s moments like this that make it all worth it, we spend much of our time in the Kitchens and behind the scenes in the office making new products and getting them into the market and on the shelves. So it’s amazing to have these opportunity to get out and meet the people who are buying our creations.